Dancing Gnome Farm
Dancing Gnome Farm is farmer Lauren, her partner Michael, and the ever-energetic Holly the Farm Dog. Michael–when not pulling weeds or tending the chickens–is also an owner of Broken Paddle Guiding Company, taking guests into the magical backwaters of the Mississippi River. Together, both businesses employ a fantastic crew of hardy young folks who work both on the farm and on the river, and who fill our days with enthusiasm and joy!

We are proud to be the vegetable growers on the beautiful Bluff Valley Farm in Wabasha, MN, where our five-acre veggie farming operation is just one part of Catherine and David’s larger permaculture vision. We are grateful for this incredibly talented community that is always willing to lend their skills, support, and innovation.
Bluff Valley Farm
Bluff Valley Farm is a 160 acre permaculture farm started in 2014 by David and Catherine Schmidt and many very good, hard-working, patient friends; Dr. John Ochsner, Craig and Nancy Falkum, Sid Schurle, James L, Kay and Bill Kay. Ron Moen is the primary heavy equipment and whole farm consultant.

The farm is screened by mature forest on all sides and is organic and Real Organic Project certified. It is also a Certified Monarch Waystation. In addition to honeybees, apple trees, hazelnuts, and asparagus, Bluff Valley is now also growing local, low-carbon-footprint fresh-cut flowers. Stay tuned for info about our new U-Pick flowers in 2022!

Explore the farm

Bluff Valley also has hazelnuts, honeybees, asparagus, and apple trees as perennial crops that foster long-term ecosystem health.